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![]() Low back pain is the #1 problem among recreational and professional golfers. Stress to the Lower Back The bending and twisting nature of the golf swing creates considerable stress on the lower back. In fact, some of the forces produced on the low back during the golf swing motion are DOUBLE the safety standards set by occupational health experts for industrial workers. ecent research has shown that the trail side (right side of a right handed player) of the lower back is more likely to be injured. The main structures affected are the intervertebral disc and facet joints. Injury to these structures can result in pressure on the very sensitive spinal nerves. |
Increased low back stress can occur if the hip joints are not used properly during the swing. The hip joint are very large and strong joints while the spinal joints are smaller and more prone to injury. In order for the hips to powerfully rotate through the backswing and follow-through, BOTH feet need to be turned out 25-30 degrees at set-up. Most of us know the importance of bending the knees when lifting a heavy object. The golf swing, which also involves very powerful back muscle contractions, is no different. Keeping the knees to straight at set-up forces the trunk to bend forward more than normal, thus increasing low back stress. A knee bend of about 25-30 degrees is ideal. |
USING THE RIGHT MUSCLES Using your Abdominal muscles in your swing: A very simple way of increasing the amount of abdominal muscle activity during the golf swing is to GENTLY tighten your abdominal muscles just before starting your backswing. This gentle contraction protects your lover back and prepared the abdominal muscles to contract on the downswing and follow-through thus creating powerful trunk rotation. Your swing may never be the same! |
Golfers using a steep swing plane and those who finish with their backs excessively arched (reverse "C") tend to use a high amount of hip slide at impact. A good drill for controlling hip slide while allowing the hips and trunk to rotate through impact is to place a golf club shaft or back of a chair immediately to the outside of each hip. The purpose of this drill is to concentrate on rotating rather than sliding the hips during the back and down-swings. A sliding motion would cause the outside of the hip to contact the chair or shaft. Keep the hips inside the shafts throughout the swing. |
An overly steep swing plane can be caused by a slouched set-up posture, and increased separation between the trailing (i.e. right) elbow and the trail side of the body as the backswing progresses. A drill that can be used to flatten the swing plane is to practice taking a full backswing while keeping a head cover tucked under your trail side under arm. If the swing plane gets too steep, the head cover will fall to the ground. Another way to flatten the swing plane is to set-up with about 25-30 degrees of knee bend (see Set-Up For Power). |
There are several ways in which to avoid the reverse "C" finish position. One method involves "stepping through" on the follow-through. By allowing the trailing foot (right) to step forward after impact, the spine does not have to arch backwards to maintain balance. Reducing hip slide, swinging with relaxed arms and ensuring the front foot is turned out 25-30 degrees will also make it easier to finish in a relaxed upright posture. |
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